What does HSE stand for?

The definition of HSE is “Health, Safety and Environment”. We offer services in all areas concerned with potential or existing health or safety risks that may impact people in their work environment

What is Occupational Hygiene?

“The practice of assessing, determining, and measuring workplace health and safety hazards and implementing procedures and controls to minimise the risk of harm to employees and site visitors. Occupational hygiene is the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, control and confirmation of protection from hazards at work that may result in injury, illness or affect the well being of workers”
Definition AIOH

What is WHS or Work Health & Safety?

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), or Work Health and Safety (WHS) legislation, exists to protect the health, safety and welfare of employees and workplace visitors.

What is Asbestos Management?

HSE Australia takes representative samples of suspect asbestos-containing material and makes reasonable assumptions regarding the presence of asbestos based on the result of the sample analysis in our NATA accredited laboratory.

What is a NATA Laboratory?

NATA accreditation is formal recognition that facilities produce reliable technical results.